How Much Do I Love Thee?

So, my professor was teaching us the poem 'How Do I Love Thee,' by Elizabeth Barrett Browning (sonnet 43) in class. It was just so magnificent that I was inspired to write my own poem. I'm not really a poet, I'm more of a prose writer, but this poem inspired me. I sat down 2 hours later and tried to write. This is what I ended up with. (I'm sure there are some lines that are similar to the original piece. It's my first work of poetry, bear with me.) It's called "How Much Do I Love Thee?"

How much do I love thee?
I love thee in silence and peace.
I love thee through chaos and violence. 
I love thee with the intensity of my grief.
I love thee with purity. 
In thy eyes I find peace, 
In thy arms, lies my home. 
To the ends of the earth and beyond.
With everything I have and will have. 
I love thee when you are out of sight and in my arms. 
I love thee with my heart and soul,
I am thine. 
Now and forever more.


  1. Wow, really great poetry. I'm sure this will go a long way if you keep at it. You'll end up constructing magnificent poems on your own and soon become a great poet. I believe in you!


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