Vivid Description?

My professor gave us a pretty cool writing activity this morning. He was talking to us about vivid description and imagery and solidity of specification and a bunch of other stuff. He told us to write about the person on our right side. 

I was instantly hooked. I love writing. I turned to my right to see my friend, VV (Vedhaviyaas). I scrutinized him for a moment, trying to figure out what I wanted to write. I turned and looked out the window, watching him out of the corner of my eye for a few moments before springing into action. 

This is what I wrote... 

As a cool breeze brushed past me, I turn to face it. I catch the breeze on my face. My professor is still giving us instructions, but I have been distracted. The sunlight glinting off his silver bangle as he jots down a scribble of notes. He rustles the pages of his notebook as he starts his activity. His pen runs across the page. The breeze ruffles his long hair. He lifts his hand to brush his hair back, out of his face. 
"What are you writing?" He asks
His dark blue flowery shirt grabs my attention and I'm so captivated by it that I fail to answer. 
"Bro..." He smiles,
I smile back and shake my head. "I'm not telling you," I tease.

(I did use some poetic license to make the description more enthralling. I wasn't captivated. It's not long. I wrote it in just 5 minutes, but wanted to document it.)


  1. Sounds smooth and playfully romantic. That person must be blessed to be written about by you.


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