Studio Apartment

This is a very recent find of mine. The moment I heard it, it touched my heart. It was just magnificent and raw. It's written from the perspective of the girl who was left behind. I discovered the chorus of this song on an Instagram reel. 

She gets the roses 'cause I picked the thorns

She's got everything that I wanted and even more

She gets your coffee that used to be me

Now she's part of your every morning routine

And you might share a big house with a garden

But she never shared your studio apartment

The narrator is telling us how she turned her lover into a man. She smoothened down the rough edges. She moulded her lover into the perfect guy. The perfect lover, partner, and husband. She tells us that this new girl might live in his new, big house now, but she wasn't with him when he was starting out. She tells us that she was the one who stayed with this guy all throughout his rough patches. She helped him through multiple crises. 

She taught him all about romantic gestures and how to treat a woman right, but she doesn't get to experience it. That's devastating, isn't it? She laments about how this new girl gets to experience so many things that she wanted for herself, like meeting her lover's family, receiving roses, and being told that she is loved repeatedly. She hopes that whenever he does these things for his new girlfriend, he remembers her. 

The last line of her bridge reads "'Cause I had the boy, but she gets the man." This tells us how her lover was inexperienced and immature when he was with her. She poured all her effort into making him ideal. All she got in return was being left in the dust. His new lover gets this ideal man. The kind of man a girl would give anything for. 

For some reason, this song resonated with me. It hit a nerve. It's like... no matter how much time you invest in someone... no matter how much love you shower them with... no matter how much you helped them... they always find someone better. There's nothing you can do to keep them with you. They aren't going to want the person who saw them at their lowest. They might feel embarrassed or something. 

I think that's just horrible. When someone's seen the worst side of you and still stayed with you, it's just proof that they are never going to leave you. It's proof of unconditional love. What more do you really want?


  1. Wow. This was absolutely remarkable. I've heard this song before but I never knew what it really meant until now. That's just a really pure way to briefly explain something so elaborate. This really indeed expanded my perspective on this song. Well done 👏


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