
When I was driving to college the other day, I witnessed a couple genuine acts of kindness. They were so pure they filled me with happiness. 

As I was driving, I ended up behind a car that had stopped in the middle of the road. I was trying to overtake it but vehicles kept passing me. I sighed and decided to wait until the car moved. That was when a minivan stopped beside me, with a little space for me to squeeze by. The other vehicles in that lane stopped behind the minivan. I looked up at the driver, wondering if he stopped for me or for something else. He nodded at me to go ahead. I smiled to myself and continued. Later that same day, a car asked me to move in front of him. There was a bus standing behind me. The car driver had left space for me to stand in front of him. "Po ma," he said. Another day, there was a black jeep that drove behind me all the way to college. (Now, I'm not someone who squeezes through gaps in traffic. I prefer driving calmly and safely. Usually, that leads to honking.) This guy in the jeep, however, was patient and allowed me to drive at my own speed. He didn't even honk at me when I stopped in front of a pothole. 

Now, these might seem simple, but they meant a lot to me. They were complete strangers and couldn't even see my face (it was covered with a scarf). These acts just made my day and I wanted to share these pleasant moments. 


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