Kavitha Mam

So my professor told me to write a short story about one of our teachers. I decided to narrate an incident that happened when I was in the tenth grade. Let's go back to 2021. 

She was always seen in a sari. She wore her hair in a bun at the nape of her neck. She always had 2 clips holding any stray hair back. She wore bangles on one hand and a watch on the other. wore a gold chain and had books in her hands at all times. We used to think she was scary - I'm sure people still do. (She was a very strict teacher whom we had known for 4 years. We were always very well-behaved in her class. It was only later that we all knew what a fun person she was. Of course, being a teacher, she had to be strict to maintain order in her class. We all loved her loads.)

Kavitha Mam. One teacher I will never forget. 

"Lekhaa," she called, walking into class one day, with another one of my teachers. It was March and it was tenth grade. Being part of the COVID batch, our board exams were 'postponed' (we didn't know that they were canceled yet). The fans were running at full speed, but they did nothing to ease the heat of the day. Our classroom had 2 large windows and 2 doors. I was sitting in my usual place near the classroom's back door. 

I felt a jolt of fear run down my spine when she called me. I wondered what I had done wrong. I looked up and saw that she was smiling. My heart stopped racing and I asked in what I thought was an innocent tone 'Yes mam?' She beckoned me out of the classroom. I shot furtive glances at my friends as I answered her summons. 

I made sure to ask the other teacher (who was supposed to be taking a class then) for permission before following her out. As we walked out through the front door, I noticed that she was still smiling. That helped put me at ease. She turned to face me, her face open and kind. "Why were you upset in class yesterday?" she asked gently. (Flash back to the previous day. I was pretty upset about something. She saw me close to tears in her class. She asked me what was wrong, but I told her it was nothing. She pressed me further and I conceeded, saying I would tell her later. I didn't think she would remember, but she did.) 

"If it was _________ (insert name of a girl in my class here) I wouldn't have asked. I know what she is like and I know what you are. You are very strong and brave. That's why I am asking you what happened. Tell me," she asked. 

I ended up telling her the whole story and she listened to me patiently. I was so touched that she took the time to listen to what I had to say. The fact that she had noticed that something was wrong and remembered to ask me what was wrong made me feel seen. Which is something that everyone should feel. No one should feel invisible. 

This amazing teacher of mine made all the difference that day. I'd like to thank her from the bottom of my heart for this beautiful gesture. I will never forget this. 


  1. Reminds me of that time in 12th grade my PE teacher sitting me down when he noticed I arrived late to classes often and was skipping school on most days. He made sure that I remained comfortable while I sat down and talked with him by speaking in a friendly tone. He adviced me to not skip school and pass out and prove everyone in the school wrong. And so I did. R.I.P. Sir. You will be missed.🕊️


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