The Very First Night

In my opinion, this song is pretty much a tribute to someone who the narrator misses more than anything. 'The Very First Night' refers to the first night that the pair spent apart. I think it's the night after they fell in love. They couldn't stay together. That was the moment that she knew how much she really loved the other person. It's obvious that you can't miss someone you don't love. To miss someone after knowing them for a short period of time is a sign of how deep the love is. 

Over the course of the song, the narrator says that she doesn't let her friends know that she's brokenhearted after the relationship ended. She keeps it all to herself. She lets them believe that she is happy and content with her life when in reality, she's pretty heartbroken and lonely. The love she shared with this person was surprising. They fell in love unexpectedly. No one expected them to fall in love. In my opinion, that's true in every relationship. Relationships are usually found where you least expect them to be. You might not want to feel what you feel, but it's inevitable. 

The narrator goes on to reminisce on old memories. She keeps wishing she could go back in time when things were better. She wants the other person to know how much he meant to her. She wants him to know how much she misses him. 

Since the narrator is trying to hide her feelings, her friends don't know how much she misses him. I can empathize with that. No one can really understand just how much you miss another person. This is because no one but you knows the extent of your relationship with one another. No one knows exactly how much they mean to you. No one knows exactly what you have shared with each other. And that's okay. Not everything is meant to be shared. The downside is that no one knows what losing them does to you (which makes them believe you are creating a lot of drama over something trival). 


  1. The first days of staying apart from your loved ones is truly frustrating. During the first few months of getting into a relationship, livers can't stay away from eachother. They always want eachother's company and want to be inseperable. I love how the narrator sheds some light on some of my favourite parts of a newly developed romance.


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