The Significance of the Eras Tour

Let me get one thing straight. I just want to talk about the significance that Taylor Swift's Eras Tour had on young girls and swifties. I don't want to talk about any of the other factors now.

The Eras Tour has created a huge impact on the lives of so many people. From learning the chants to guessing the surprise songs to making friendship bracelets to trade, there is so much more to the Eras Tour than a simple concert. 

For starters, it's a place where women and teenage girls feel safe. I mean, have you seen the costumes that they prepare for the tour? They dedicate a lot of time to their outfits. These outfits aren't things that you can wear out on the streets. They might be representations of some of Taylor's songs or they might be similar to Taylor's own costumes. Some costumes are the Lover bodysuit, the Reputation bodysuit, and the Lavender Haze jacket. Here, girls and women can dress up however they want to and embrace Taylor and her songs. 

Next, there is the feeling of girlhood. You could approach anyone there and they would treat you like a good friend. It's like being part of a family. There wouldn't be any judgment... no matter what you wore or what kind of makeup you had on. You could dance like a crazy person or sing your heart out. Everyone there would know that you were doing it because you loved Taylor. The best part is that they love her too. 

You could feel safe there. You could be yourself. To me, that's what Taylor is all about. Expressing yourself. Doing what you love. Being confident about your abilities. Being brave enough to speak up about what you like. 

(My own personal experience with the Eras Tour was with the movie concert. I went with one of my friends and we had an amazing time dancing and singing. I forgot I was in a movie theatre and I was completely in my element.)

There is so much more I could say about this subject, but I can't seem to find the right words to express just how beautiful and significant this is. 


  1. I love dressing up for events. Maybe I should get myself a ticketšŸ¤”


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