The Perils of Driving

I am slowly learning that being a good driver isn't just about being confident in your driving. Self-confidence isn't all that matters. No matter how good of a driver you might be, you can't assure your safety on the roads. 

I recently started driving myself to and from college. I knew I could do it. What I learned is that other people on the road are always in a rush. They aren't going to care that you are still learning. They aren't going to care that you are just being careful. They are going to be single minded and all they want to do is reach their destination as soon as possible. 

Then, there are the buses. The bus drivers aren't going to care about you. You might be following all the rules and driving safely. However, that doesn't guarantee your safety. They are on tight schedules and have to reach each stop on time. Because of that, they have to drive this way. If they are worrying about everyone on the roads, they will never reach their destination. It's on us to stay away from the buses. When we have to drive near them, we have to be extra cautious. 

Then there are the potholes. No matter how many times you travel on the same road, there's no way you can memorize where each and every pothole is. And then there's traffic. Imagine you are standing at a signal, waiting for the traffic light to change to green. As soon as it changes, you need a second to get yourself moving again. Before you take your second, people all around you start honking - as if they don't need a moment themselves. I've learned to ignore them and make sure I am steady before I start moving. 

On the whole, I learned that driving on the main roads is harder than I thought it would be. There are so many things you need to consider. 


  1. You're so independent for driving youself to college. Congratulations on achieving that in the first place at such an early stage of your life. Speaking of driving on the main road, you just can never be too careful. One moment you're driving peacefully, and the next thing you know, you've crashed into a car or a bike because they hit their brakes suddenly. Or you're just laying on the road because a car came outta nowhere in an intersection. You need to always stay conscious and cautious at all times. Drive safe!


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