That's The Way I Loved You

Everyone has different ways of showing their love. That's why we have the whole idea of love languages. This song talks about a beautiful relationship. 

The narrator is telling us about the various reasons she loved her guy. She tells us about all the reasons he was a gentleman. She says that she couldn't ask for anyone better. I'm sure a lot of us can relate to this. We feel like the person we are in a relationship with is the best person ever and that we could never have anything better than that person. 

Then she reminisces about their relationship before they were together. (This is what I think is happening. I can't say this is what the song actually means.) She tells us that their relationship wasn't always as smooth as it is now. She tells us that there were ups and downs. She tells us that they had plenty of arguments. But, she tells us that the relationship was like a rollercoaster. It was scary and unexpected, but it was still magical and exciting. Again, I'm sure we can all relate to that. Relationships are hard until you settle into them. The important thing is that you get past the fear and realize that the relationship is worth the hardships and struggles that come with it. 

Then, the narrator tells us how the guy fits into her family. Then, the song takes a dark turn. She tells us how the guy doesn't notice that she is hurting inside. 

I, however, don't want to get into the dark side. I love this song and I don't want to think about the sombre ending. 


  1. This description of a relationship having partners going back and forth in their decisions reminds me of the song called, "Mannipaaya" by A. R. Rahman. It essentially has the heroine singing out to the hero for forgiveness and that she's sorry for giving him on and off hints of having a relationship. This song has a special place in my heart.


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