Someone To Talk To

Sometimes all you need is someone to talk to. You don't need to know them well. They don't need to be very familiar with you. That might make it easier for you. When you talk to someone you aren't close to, you feel like they won't judge you for not being yourself, because they don't know what your true self really looks like. You can just open yourself up to them. 

When you start sharing your problems with someone, you feel like they are less daunting. You might not be looking for a solution to your problems. All you crave is someone who will take the time to listen to you. Unfortunately, that's hard to come by these days. People usually end up patronizing you. Finding someone who simply offers support is something that's really special and rare. After you talk to someone, you feel lighter. You feel like someone has heard your cries for help. Someone has heard what you have to say. You feel peace after being able to express yourself. For a little while, you forget about everything that has happened. 

If you feel like you are drifting, look for someone you can talk to. Remember that you are never really alone. Help can be found in the most surprising places. 

If you think someone needs help, go ask them. Don't hesitate. You never know the effect you might have on them. You might be just who they need. 


  1. The part where you said about people being less judgmental when they don't know you very well is actually true. When I meet new people and they share stuff about their lives, I automatically view their lives from a third person perspective and give them an honest opinion so that they can feel a bit at ease when they talk to me. And it's a lot more calming to talk to people this way.


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