Silence is the Ultimate Sign of Trust

My inspiration today came from the lecture I listened to first thing in the morning. We were talking about the essay 'The Eloquent Sounds of Silence,' by Pico Iyer. 

He says "Silence, then, could be said to be the ultimate province of trust: it is the place where we trust ourselves to be alone; where we trust others to understand things we do not say..." 

The meaning that we derived from this was pretty intense and deep. My professor claimed that a true relationship doesn't need idle chitchat. A relationship where two individuals really trust each other completely doesn't have idle chitchat. They have serious sit-down discussions but they don't feel a need to always talk to one another. On the other hand, individuals who don't fully trust their partner feel the need to constantly keep up a conversation. She gave us an example of a husband and wife. She talked about how the couple don't sit around talking all day - maybe in the initial days of their marriage... but not years later. 

As I thought about this, I realized that it was true. If you truly trust someone, why are you going to constantly ask them about what they are doing? Yes, when you care for someone, you will want to know how their day went and you will listen to their stories attentively. The idle chitchat that I'm referring to is that which is spawned out of doubt and possessiveness. Sometimes, the reason you ask someone what they were doing is that they weren't with you and they weren't responding to your calls or messages. The absence of this 'noise' is the silence which the essay talked about. This silence is the sign of ultimate trust. 


  1. That is indeed an abstract thought that never crossed my mind before. But after thinking about it, it checks out.


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