Lady Danbury

Lady Danbury is - in my opinion - one of the most powerful and strong characters in the Bridgerton series. 

Her troubles start early. She is subjected to marital rape multiple times. Her husband was an elderly man. During this time - time period - she couldn't raise her voice against the abuse she suffered. She was betrothed to him at the age of 3 and was pretty much raised for him - for his pleasure and to his liking. 

When her husband died, she didn't know whether or not her son could inherit his father's title - Lord Danbury. She realized that her security was at stake. This was the time when the colored and white sections of the society first united. Financial security was very important. She needed to assure her family's well-being. She played a cunning game with Princess Augusta to ensure her fortune. 

During this period, Lady Danbury was both a colored member of society and a woman. That meant that life was very hard for her. She secured a place for herself in the Queen's court and became a respected woman in society. She was the young queen's trusted friend and advisor. Since the queen was young and still a girl, she looked to Lady Danbury to help her with 'woman things.' 

I think Lady Danbury is an inspirational character. Yes, I'm aware that she is just a character in a popular TV show. That doesn't excuse the example she sets for young ladies. She shows us that no matter what happens, we have to keep going. We have to be strong. We will eventually prevail. There is a Lady Danbury in all of us, waiting to be set free. We have to let her out to shine. 


  1. To see inspirational woman characters being portrayed in TV shows, let alone do a good job at it is a great feat in today's male chauvinistic era of society. I'm glad you found a character who resonates among women in a bold way.


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