It's In The Little Things

It's the little things that matter more than anything that's materialistic. Materialistic gifts are nice to give and receive, but they don't come close to the little things. By little things, I mean the things that show you that you are important. Things that make you feel loved and appreciated. 

Imagine how good you feel when someone takes the time to listen to you talk. They listen for hints of what you like and don't like. They take the time to get to know you. Those are some of the little things I'm talking about. 

Another one is when a person makes time for you. No matter how busy they are, they make sure to spend some time with you. Or, they at least make sure to let you know that they are busy and that they will come to talk to you as soon as they can. They don't leave you waiting is what I mean to say. 

They make you feel like a part of their life. Their future plans might include you - or rather, they include you in making big plans or decisions. They tell you about things that they did, no matter how trivial they seem. 

The most important point to remember when it comes to the little things is whether or not the person receiving it will like it. These things are supposed to make them feel loved and appreciated. 


  1. Receiving handmade gifts are another great example of enjoying the little things you get in life. My sister made me a unique card which had different sections with little descriptions of us having wonderful experiences. Things like these are to die for and I'm genuinely thankful for bein able to receive them.


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