Hermione Granger

Hermione Jean Granger, the brightest witch of her age. Now, that's not all she is. There is much more that people sometimes forget to remember about her. 

One of the first things that we can look at is that she was socially awkward. In the first year, she didn't have any friends. Ron, of course, was quick to notice that and ridicule her. She was also called a know-it-all. She never really outgrew this title. Needless to say, her talent did come in useful in the future. But, it didn't stop her from being distanced initially. 

The next thing is that she was extremely loyal, both to her friends and to her house. One such instance is when she helps Hagrid fight for Buckbeak. She manages to make time to help out her friend even though she has so much on her own plate. She has a kind soul. This is shown when she starts SPEW for the welfare of house-elves. 

It's also important to know that she does have her flaws. She can be mean and she can be narrow-minded. She can be argumentative when she believes she is right. 

The point of this post is to show that people - or characters are multi-faceted. There's more to them than just a label. 


  1. One dimensional characters are way too boring for a plot. But it's in the writing that holds together the plot in my opinion. Even in a manga called One-Punch man, the conclusion of the story is always that the hero swoops in and finishes the battle in one punch. But the way that the writer decided to create a major story line for the side characters made the story intriguing and invites the readers to know more and come back for more.


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