Girl Code

The most important rule in the 'girl code' is to rescue any girl who looks like she needs help. She might be your worst enemy, but you should never leave her alone in an unsafe situation. If she asks for help or signals you for assistance, you must help her. 

The next one is to be honest. If a girl asks you how she looks or if something needs fixing, it's your duty and responsibility to be honest. You have to tell her if she needs to adjust her clothes or if she is too showy. (It's up to her whether or not she listens to what you have to say. You just have to make sure someone tells her. You never know if she is clueless or just attention-seeking.) 

Then there is the basic rule about relationships. Girls, don't try to get with your friend's ex. Siblings are out of the question too (unless you have permission). Think about how the situation would make your friend feel. You don't want to have to choose between her and the object of your affection. That certainly would be an awkward situation. You can't let a guy get between you and your friend. 

There are some things that you just shouldn't do. You shouldn't gossip about a girl behind her back. You should know the effects that unwanted or false gossip and rumors can have on someone. (This is even worse if you don't know the girl. What gives you the right to talk about anyone behind your back, especially when you don't know them.) Don't try to sabotage your friend. She probably trusts you a great deal. Think to yourself about whether it's worth it to break that trust she places on you. Respect her decisions, but make sure to correct them if she is wrong. Don't let her hurt herself. Don't ever tease or ridicule another woman. Again, you know how it would feel if someone talked down to you about how you looked or how you dressed. 

Most of these are unspoken rules, but I think we need a reminder. It's a harsh world out there and we need to have each other's backs. (I didn't talk about periods because I think that's something really basic and there's no way you can ignore that.)


  1. It's indeed a cruel world. It's good to know that other women look out for each other and got their backs when faced with endangerment. Chivalry might be dead, but women still keep the kindness from their part real.


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