When I felt grown up

This is just a random memory of mine that I was reminded of recently. It's about a day at my school. I was in 9th grade... so around 14 years old when this happened. I was pretty well known. My friends were all on the student council... like house captains, cultural secretary, assistant school pupil leader... you get what I'm talking about. 

There was this one day when all the teachers from school had to go somewhere (I'd rather not reveal what it was here. The secondary school teachers were scheduled to go at one time and the primary school teachers at another time. When it was time for the primary school teachers to leave, we had classes. I remember our PT teacher bursting into our class. It's normal for him to do this and demand for one of our classmates to join him for some reason or the other. Today, he rushed in and started calling a bunch of people. He called out the 'council members' and some other people as well. 

'Lekhaa, come,' he called. I was confused at first. I wasn't sure why he would need me. I was usually someone who hosted events in school - like an EmCee or something. I wasn't really athletic and couldn't comprehend why the PT teacher was calling on me. Once I went out of the class, he sent us to the first floor - where the primary school classes were. He quickly told us that the teachers had to leave immediately and that we - as seniors - had to go look after the little children. 

I went into the class that someone told me to go to - I don't remember the details exactly. The kids in the class I went to had a little class test the next day. I remember revising the portions with them and then going on to play a little game with them. 

I know, this probably seems inconsequential and mundane. But, to me, this was a moment that I felt grown up. Seeing all those little faces looking at me expectantly made me feel that way I guess. I can't put my finger on it exactly. 


  1. Yeah, life moves pretty fast. One day you are having sleepovers at your cousin's and right after you wake up you are suddenly 22. I remember being 15... I haven't been 15 for a long time now...


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