What did Ethnic Walk Give Me?

A couple of days ago, I was addressing my juniors about 'ethnic walk' which is pretty much like a fashion show. When I was talking to them, I was thinking about what it gave me. I thought about what I gained from the experience. 

First of all, it gave me confidence. For years, people had teased me about the way I walked. People always said my walk was weird in a way. Here, I saw that the way I walked could be used for something. I learned that it wasn't something to be shy about. It also gave me an opportunity to try something new. No one judged me when I made mistakes. People were patient as I learned. They took the time and effort to help me out. 

Second, it gave me a group of people who I could count on. A group of people who made me feel safe. It's rare to find one person with whom you feel safe, but a whole group of people... that really is something. When I say safe, I don't mean physically - thought that definitely is important as well. I mean emotionally safe. I knew I could be myself there and that they wouldn't hold it against me. I didn't have to suppress my emotions. 

Third, it was kind of like my initiation into the department. I got to meet a lot of the seniors there. And being with them, hanging out with them, made me feel like I had a place in that ginormous college. It gave me a sense of belonging. As a fresher, that was something that meant a lot to me.

Fourth, it gave me my best friend and brother figure. Because of this, I'd say that joining the team was the best thing I did. Today, you can call someone your best friend and not be sure whether or not they feel the same way about you. But, I can say that we both found one of our best friends in each other with confidence. 


  1. That's something to really value. Getting people who find equal importance in you just the way you do in them is indeed something valuable. They are your confidant in a way.


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