The Beauty in Silence

Recently I spent a very memorable afternoon mostly in silence. I'm someone who enjoys hearing people talking. I like to listen to what people have to say. 

That afternoon, however, I experienced a lot of beautiful things in silence. I realized that silence was beautiful. Silence gives way to many beautiful experiences. There are things that really can't be expressed in words. As they say, actions speak louder than words, and actions are most profound in silence, without words to draw attention away from them. Affection, for example, can't always be expressed in words. A hug can mean more than a verbal declaration of love or care. 

On the flip side, silence can also express negative emotions. Silence can express displeasure. If someone is quiet, we assume that they are upset. If someone doesn't talk to us, we assume that they are displeased with us. Silence is quite powerful.

Silence also is a tool through which we can find inner peace. We can take advantage of the silence and take the time to listen to our thoughts. It gives us time to think about ourselves. It lets us distance ourselves from the commotion of the outside world. 

I think that some quiet time with someone helps strengthen or deepen interpersonal relationships. That's a good way to summarize the magnificent afternoon I had. 

(I know I was a bit more formal in my writing than I usually am, but I didn't know how else to express this.)


  1. Welcome to the adult world, where you'll find solitude to be your most liberating privilege.


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