That Line

I was watching the All Too Well short film, directed by Taylor Swift when this thought struck me. Sometimes, there is a line that shouldn't be crossed. It might seem small to you, but once it's crossed, there's no going back from it. 

There was this scene where the couple on screen were fighting. The guy asked her for her forgiveness and she accepted. But, look at the lyric that followed that scene. "And I know it's long gone and there's nothing else I could do. I forget about you long enough to forget why I needed to." Take a moment for the lyrics to sink in. 

It doesn't matter that there was an apology or reconciliation. There's no way that they are going to look at each other the same way. They might share intimate moments again. But, it doesn't really matter. There's a break in their relationship. Things aren't going to be that easy again. The level of trust they place in each other won't be the same as before. There's always the possibility of hurt. There's the possibility of something similar happening again. 

I believe that this is true in all relationships. Misunderstandings happen. It is possible to come back from them. You can be what you once were. But, there is a line that shouldn't be crossed. You can't come back from that. You will never trust the other person the way you did. There's no way to remedy this. No amount of apologies will fix it. You will close yourself off from the other person. No matter how much they try to fix things, it's just a waste of their energy and time. Everything they do will just remind you of that one incident. 

Trust - or any relationship - is like a glass. Once it's been broken, it can't be fixed again. No matter what anyone tries. 


  1. Idk why but this Loki quote just popped into my head after reading this: "Sure. Burn it down, easy. Annihilating it, easy. Razing things to the ground is easy. Trying to fix what's broken is hard. Hope is hard." I feel like relationships are meant to be complicated and it's only a complete relationship when you learn how to love the person beyond all their imperfections. Having a bit of hope in your love would definitely get you farther in the relationship.

    1. That's right... but there is still a line. No matter what type of relationship it is. There's just something that shouldn't be done. It's not about the person's imperfections, but rather what they did and how it affected you that I was talking about. Yes, love does involve looking past a person's imperfections and seeing them for who they truly are.


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