Teenage Love Taught You There's Good In Goodbye

Ohh yes. I'm sure we all have had our fair share of teenage love. I'm sure we believed that it would last forever. 

Look back and remember the endless drama that followed. Teenagers don't really know what love is. They just love the idea of love. It's nothing more than infatuation. Yet, when one experiences it, it seems like it would last forever. There was probably a lot of sneaking around. You thought that it was the joy of the first love. 

I'm sure there were some good parts. You probably learned what to expect in the future. You learned what you needed. You learned what to avoid. You learned about your boundaries. You discovered new sides of yourself. You figured out what you would and wouldn't do for another person. It set you on a path of self-discovery. There was also an inevitable heartbreak when you swore off dating. You thought your life would never be the same again. You felt like you would never get over it. Spoiler alert... you did. And guess what? You became better than you ever were before. 

Now, let's look at what the lyric is telling us... there's good in goodbye. Once you learn that you aren't good for each other, staying together is senseless. Teenage love is something that teaches you what life is like. It shows you that not all that glitters is gold. There is something good that comes out of saying goodbye to someone. You get to rediscover yourself. Isn't that just amazing?


  1. Reminded me of another song by The Script called, "No Good in Goodbye". The lyrics are just ethereal and talks about a lover's unacceptance for losing his love and how lonely and hurting he is. He wishes to change all the things he did in the past to just somehow save his relationship. Just paints a wonderful picture about the pureness and the dangers of love.


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