Self Harm

Self-harm isn't just cutting yourself. It could be not looking both ways while crossing the road. It could be skipping meals. It could be not caring what you put in your body. It could be driving recklessly. What I'm trying to say is that self-harm isn't always explicitly visible. It could be as discreet as neglecting your needs, like sleep or food. 

What we have to think about now is why someone would want to harm themselves. Obviously, they aren't going to tell you if you ask them. The worst part is that you can't always tell when someone is harming themselves. You can't see scars, or they might be hidden somewhere. 

What can you do to help someone who has this habit (for lack of a better word)? Is there anything that can be done? Sometimes, people think that physical pain is better than mental or emotional pain. Or that it takes the edge off the pain that their mind is. No matter how much you tell them not to hurt themselves, they aren't going to listen to you. To them, all they want is a distraction from the pain their mind is in. They would give anything to turn it off. 

The best you can do is try to help them deal with their emotions. They might feel like it's just too much to bear and they need an outlet. Even just listening to them, without judgment, could help them.  

What I'm trying to say is that people don't harm themselves as a ploy for attention. They really need your help. 


  1. Some don't realise that the other person is hurting until it's too late. People need to reach out to the person who is hurting even if they don't show signs of distress since we don't know what they might be going through. Because the last thing they want to do is reach out. Take care of your friends.


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