Possessiveness, Protectiveness And Being Territorial

These are three words that are often used but the meaning behind them might not be clear. They are all interconnected though. 

Being possessive - according to the dictionary - means that you always demand someone's total attention and love. Being protective means that you would do anything to keep someone safe. Being territorial means that you are protective over your relationship with someone. 

One difference I notice between being possessive and being territorial is that one is usually territorial over something that one already has. On the other hand, possessiveness might be associated with something that one covets. More logically, being territorial can be related to space or material objects while being possessive can be related to a person. 

Here's the thing... all these things can become toxic if they are allowed to go overboard. There is naturally going to be possessiveness in any relationship, but what matters is that there is also trust present. You have to know that there's no way that you can keep a person all to yourself. That's how you get around being extremely territorial. 

Then there is protectiveness. Okay, let's face it. That is totally natural as well. Think about it. You are going to be protective over anyone you love. You wouldn't want anything to harm them. You would want to keep them safe. Sometimes, you might think that they are safest with you. That is when you may start feeling possessive. You might think that you are best for them. You might be, but that doesn't give you the right to keep them away from the world - or other people. 

The important thing to remember is balance. If not, the consequences could be disastrous. 


  1. Well said👏👏👏 A movie called, "Lover" portrays perfectly just how toxic it is to be overly possessive. Your significant other is another part of you but you do not own them.


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