Out of the Woods


"When you started crying, baby, I did too."

This is a really beautiful line, isn't it? It reminds me of something that happened with a friend of mine, way back in ninth grade. So, this girl was super confident. She was so strong. She was a natural-born leader. She was someone who everyone looked up to. The way she carried herself was just magnificent. Yes, I know I'm laying the praise on a bit too much, but this girl deserves it. She was a role model to so many people. She never let anyone know her struggles. She was someone who kept it all to herself - and her close friends, of course. This girl was - and still is - my best friend. 

One day, there was something wrong with her. It was a fight between her and another one of her friends who she had become close to. That was the first time I saw her cry. She did sometimes lose her temper and she did have mood swings. But tears? Never in public. I saw her crying and something inside me broke. I was trying to console her. At that moment, the girl the world saw was gone. The strong and fierce one. When I heard her tears, I couldn't help but cry myself. 

"Please, alugatha di," I pleaded to her. It hurt me so much to see her cry. It wasn't because she shouldn't cry. She is human too. She has every right to let go of her emotions when she needs to. I cried because I couldn't stand to see someone I adored so much in pain. Like I said earlier, she was my best friend. 

This line, to me, is a sign of love. It shows just how much one can love another person. You love them so much that you can't bear to see them in pain. 


  1. Your compassion and empathy for your friends shows just how good of a person you are. Thank you for being there for your friend. The world needs more people like you.


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