One Piece Of Jewellery

Have you ever had a piece of jewellery that was a huge part of your identity? You wore it so often that it became an irreplaceable part of you. (Yes, there could be more than one accessory.) There was some deep significance as to why you wore it. Maybe it was a gift from someone you loved. Maybe it was something that you and a friend both wore together. Maybe it was something that reminded you of an unforgettable incident in your life. Maybe it was something that made you stronger. 

If someone gifts you that piece of jewellery, it can bring you comfort. By that, I mean that you crossed their mind for a moment. As soon as they saw it, they thought of you. It means that they care enough about you to get you that article - no matter how small it might be. The pleasure that you attain when you receive it doesn't disappear over time. It just grows every time you wear it. It feels like you have a part of your special person with you all the time. 

The main point is that that piece of jewellery is part of who you are. People knew that you always wore that piece. If you didn't wear it, it meant that something was wrong. What if you no longer want to wear it though? Obviously, you would have put a lot of thought into committing to wear it. Why would you want to stop all of a sudden? 

The only reason could be that the article no longer means anything to you. Or, even worse, it might make you feel sad. If a relationship ended, you wouldn't want to wear something that was a symbol of what you once had. For a while, you are going to feel like something huge is missing. You unconsciously feel like the place it is supposed to be is empty (For example, you unconsciously rub your collarbone to feel your favourite pendant.) 

It doesn't matter what it is or how expensive it is. All that matters is what it represents and how it makes you feel. 


  1. I have something valuable like this but it's just a cheap steel ring. I've worn it whenever I go out and I've had it for almost 6 years now. It's basically a part of me now.


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