
The inspiration for this post comes from the song '2002' by Anne Marie. "I will always remember..." It talks about a moment in the narrator's life that she will never forget. 

I'm sure we all have a moment like that. One that lives on vividly in our memories. You can remember all the details. Close your eyes right now. Take yourself back to that moment. Remember where it took place. Remember who was with you. Remember the main 'characters' in your memory. Recall what you saw. Recall how you felt. Remember the sounds and smells. Let all your senses take you back to that moment. Allow yourself to lose yourself in the moment. 

How does that make you feel? Is it a good memory or a bad one? Regardless of how you feel, the memory is strong. It's something you can see with perfect clarity no matter how much time passes. Memories like that are important. They are core memories. They play a significant part in the make-up of your character. Even if the memory hurts you, don't try to forget it. 

The point I want to make here is that every single moment and memory has an important role in making you who you are. 


  1. Burning memories are engraved in your head and is almost impossible to forget, atleast for me. I remember the time nearing the end of my Bachelor's degree, everyone wrote their names and registration numbers to create a sort of a mural on the black board. It's still etched in my mind and I will forever cherish it.


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