Inside Out 2

I totally loved this movie. It was worth the wait. I still remember watching the first part when I was around 8 years old. Here I am, 10 years later. This movie had a lot of heart-touching scenes. 

So, the main story revolves around a new emotion, Anxiety, taking control of Riley's mind as she enters puberty. It is a coming-of-age story. It talks about a teenager's sense of self and how fragile it is. In the movie, as Anxiety appears, she begins to change Riley's sense of self. Joy, however, is against it. In my opinion, a teenager's sense of self does change as they grow up. But, I don't think it should be the result of Anxiety. I think it should be the result of things that they learn.

Another thing that happens is that Joy throws all of Riley's 'bad' memories - or rather ones that she thinks are unnecessary - to the back of her mind. My view on this is that all memories are important in a person's mental makeup. One learns from negative experiences. Throwing them away means that they miss out on a lesson. 

The third thing that I want to mention is that Joy says that she can't defeat Anxiety. That is really heartbreaking, isn't it? At the end of the movie, it's Anxiety who tells Joy that Riley needs her. 

The thing is, anxiety can't really be defeated. It can only be set aside. It can be overcome, but it never goes away completely. Everyone needs Joy. 

Remember, as Joy says, everyone needs every emotion. A person can't be themselves without really embracing all of their feelings. 


  1. And here I am not even able to recall what I ate last night😭 How do you expect me to cherish memories???

  2. This movie was fun to watch. Maybe I should consider watching the first part now...


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