Better Than Revenge

When I was listening to this song, I was thinking of what story the song was trying to tell. This is my interpretation of what it's narrating. 

So, the protagonist and narrator is a girl who's trying to get with this guy that she likes. She's been working on it for quite a while now and things are just right (finally). Out of nowhere, another girl enters the picture and steals him from the protagonist. The protagonist underestimated the woman she was competing with. Similarly, the other woman didn't know how much pain she was going through when she appeared out of nowhere. 

The protagonist goes on to tell the object of her affection that the other woman is a fake. She believes that the woman should know that "stealing other people's toys on the playground won't make you many friends." This woman looks down at the narrator. She considers herself higher and better than the narrator. She thinks she's crazy. But, in the woman's defense, the narrator does talk behind the woman's back. The narrator claims that pretty dresses don't necessarily mean that one is well-mannered. 

She vows that there's nothing she does better than revenge. It might seem petty, but to the narrator, it is important. It's something that she is willing to fight for. 


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