
Anticipating something is kind of a rush. Isn't it? I start my second year of college tomorrow. Honestly, I am waiting eagerly for what the year holds for me. 

I know there will be a lot of downsides. The biggest one is that I won't have my best friend by my side if I ever need anything. I won't have my favourite seniors who I turn to for advice. I won't have the guys who helped me settle into the college. I won't be able to have them at my back or by my side if I need help. Everything I see will remind me of my best friend. Everything I do will remind me of the memories we made together. That part is going to be hard. 

I know I won't be alone. I know that they are just a phone call away. I get to do everything I did with them, without them, and find out just how I fit into it all individually. 

What is it that I am actually anticipating then? I'm not totally sure about that myself. I guess I want to keep learning about who I am. I want to make my seniors proud as I try to live up to their example. I want to do everything I dream of doing. I'm really curious as to what the year has in store for me. I look forward to being the best version of myself I can be. 

I only hope I do what I set out to. Wish me luck. 


  1. You will do just fine. You now have the opportunity to become the favourite senior who you looked up to last year. Make the most out of it and have fun.


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