A Sneak Peek Into A Girl's Mind

(Disclaimer: This isn't universal. This is my point of view and many girls might have similar ideas.)

What are some of the things that go on in a girl's mind? I'm sure all of you guys are curious.  

The first one is about how they feel when they go out. For some girls, going out is a treat and a rarity. They aren't allowed to do so often. So, when they do, they make the most out of the opportunity. Then, there is the conflict of what to wear when they go out. It's different depending on who they are with. If they are going out with their parents, the clothes they wear would be different from something they would pick to wear with their friends. They also have to make sure that the outfit they choose is appropriate for their mode of transport and their destination. 

Guys, you might think girls dress for your eyes. But, that is not true. They dress up for themselves. They dress up to admire themselves in the mirrors. (Yes, that does seem a little self-centred.) They dress up according to their menstrual cycle and their self-care schedules. 

I'm sure a lot of you might have asked yourself what a girl wants in a relationship - not necessarily romantic. In my opinion, the first and most important thing is safety. In today's world, safety has become a really big concern. When a girl hangs out with a guy, the first question she asks herself is whether she can trust him or not. Attention and other things come later. 

Another thing that I have noticed is that people tend to think all girls are materialistic. They think that they need to receive gifts to be happy. It might be true in some cases, but not all. Simple things are important. Just take the time to show her that you care about her. Show her that you remember what she likes. Make an effort to make plans to hang out with her. Don't let her do all the work. Take some time to talk to her. She just wants to be loved. She doesn't need your money. She just needs you. 

A woman will never admit that she needs help. She will try to project herself as being very capable and strong. Yes. She surely is. But, that doesn't mean that she doesn't love to be pampered. She's not going to ask for it. But, pamper her sometimes. Watch how her expression changes. Watch as she relaxes herself and forgets all her problems. 

In contrast to the previous paragraph, a woman doesn't need protection. She is capable of taking care of herself. You don't need to be her knight in shining armour. Wait to see how she handles things. Only intervene when she asks you to do so. 

Yes, I'm sure there are a whole bunch of things I missed. These are just some things off the top of my head. I'll try to give you some more when I think of them. 


  1. This gives a wider perspective on women for men too. Thank you so much!👍👏


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