A Girl Date

Oh my god. You have no idea how much I needed a day with my girls. Initially, I didn't let myself believe that I would be able to see them. I was so sure that something would come up at the last minute and our plans would be foiled. 

I got to my friend's house around 10 in the morning. We started off with a nice long catch-up session. I spent quite a long time telling them about all the drama I had endured throughout the past semester. They made sure to react in just the way I needed them to. By that I mean they were on my side the whole time and they were acceptably aghast when required. 

We were all very nostalgic in no time. We relived some of the things we did when we were in school together. The best part is that it felt like no time had passed. We were still best friends. There was a lot that happened since the last time we all saw each other - a year ago - but things didn't feel different. 

We were overjoyed that we were still friends. (We had been that way since we were in the sixth grade. It's been 7 or 8 years now.) This day reminded me of just how much I needed some time with my girls - yes, I had been asking and wanting it for a very long time now. It felt so good to just collapse into the arms of my best friend. It felt good to groan and whine about things. It felt good to remember that there are people out there who would be on your side no matter what. 


  1. Such good friends. Reminds me of the time I had my best friend by my side always. Those were some good times...🚶


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