You're Beautiful

I was listening to the song 'You Don't Know You're Beautiful' when I was inspired to write this. Everyone, please take a moment to listen to the song. When you do, imagine that the song is just for you. It's being sung for the sole purpose of making you realize that you are beautiful. 

These days, there are 2 kinds of people. The first type is really vain about their beauty. The other type doesn't acknowledge that they are indeed beautiful. Let's look at the second type for now. 

The song talks about a girl who doesn't know that she's beautiful even though there are signs all around her. For example, people stare at her when she walks into the room. She doesn't need makeup to look beautiful. She's perfect the way she is. But, it's obvious that she doesn't know that. Or rather, she doesn't feel beautiful. (No one has made her feel beautiful before.) 

I think that everyone needs to know that they are beautiful in their own ways. Everyone is - in someone's eyes - the most beautiful person they know. You don't have to be beautiful in everyone's eyes. But, knowing that someone feels that way about you is magical and it really boosts your self-esteem. Everyone needs someone to tell them that they are beautiful. 

Yes, this goes for guys as well. I know, most people think that the word 'beautiful' is associated with women only. I don't agree with that. I believe that men can be beautiful as well. There's nothing wrong in telling a man that he is beautiful. Try it out and see what happens. 


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