Where You Belong

A sense of belongingness is something that everyone craves. It's a basic human desire. I'm talking about the sense of belongingness that comes from a person. (I don't mean it only in the romantic sense.) The question is, how do you know when you have found that person.

Have you ever been with someone and felt like you just belonged there. They are your home and your safe space. You never doubted it. You don't have to be worried about being judged in their presence. It's just right. No competition. No fears whatsoever. Just comfort, trust, and affection. You know that your rightful place in the universe is by their side. 

Now, what would you do when that person is gone. Suddenly, they aren't a part of your life anymore. When you look around, all you see is emptiness. Remember, this person was the only one who made you feel like you didn't have to hide. You felt seen in their presence. They made you feel important and valued. They gave you the assurance that they wouldn't judge and proved it over and over again. 

There's nothing to do but to trust fate. If you truly belong by their side, you will remain there. No one else can take your place there. But, what would you do if they changed too? What if they prove that they are just like everyone else that you have encountered? 


  1. Home is where the heart is. If you can't recognise that place anymore, it's no longer home.


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