What's The Point of Love?

No really. What is the point of love? I'm sure I'm going to be philosophical, but this is a question that hit me a little while ago. Think about it. You love someone so much that it consumes you. A part of you knows that the relationship might not last. You can never shake that fear. 

So, when you know this is inevitable (not many relationships survive these days), why do you fall in love? What do you get out of it? I think that love isn't a choice. It's something that just happens. You can't deny it. You can't decide to love someone or not to do so. 

When you love someone, you give them the love that you think they deserve. This is actually really beautiful. Regardless of whether they reciprocate your love, your love is one of the biggest gifts you can give them. Obviously, you are going to think that they deserve everything you have to offer. You would be in their corner as their biggest supporter. You would be a great source of motivation. You would be the reason for their self-esteem to skyrocket. You might become the reason that they succeed. You make sure they realize their self-worth. 

I think that the point of love is to make the object of your affection feel good. Love isn’t supposed to be selfish. I know some of you might not agree with me here. But, when you truly love someone, you should make sure they feel prioritized. You should make sure that they know just how important they are to you. 

I think loving someone isn't about you. It's about the person receiving your affection. 



  1. I think when you love someone, you naturally start expecting things from them. Of course, true love is supposed to be unconditional but, what if they aren't given the attention or affection they deserve? You naturally start expecting things from them.


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