Tolerate it


I made you my temple, my mural, my sky 
Now I'm begging for footnotes in the story of your life
Drawin' hearts in the byline
Always takin' up too much space or time

These lyrics show us how much the speaker loved someone, but in the end, it wasn't enough. This is the story that I think these lyrics tell us. 

She built her entire world around this guy. Hypothetically speaking, she cut off all her other contacts for him. She isolated herself just so she could spend enough time with him. She thought he deserved everything she had. Every cell in her body told her that he was the one. She made him her world. 

In the end, she found out that he didn't love her as much. She was abandoned by him. He accused her of taking up too much of his time. This is really ironic, seeing as how she gave up her other friends for him. He should have been thankful for it, but instead, all he could see were her imperfections. She held these against her. 

She now had to beg him for attention. Since she built her world around him, she had nowhere else to go. When he left her, her entire world fell into chaos. 


  1. Such a heartbreaking lineđź’” which transcends among billions across the world


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