Summertime Sadness

As soon as I heard these words, a beautiful picture painted itself in my mind. When I think of summer, the first thing that comes to mind is a beach. A bright beach that just stretches on endlessly. The sun shines bright and reflects off the pristine sand. The light is so bright it almost blinds you. I pictured a couple of beach chairs. A beach ball and a volleyball net. The sky is clear, there's not a cloud in sight. The beach is covered in footsteps. There are beach toys all around. There are traces of kids and families there. However, it's empty now. You can still feel the exhilaration that people felt there. 

Suddenly, I pictured a crash of thunder and a flash of lightning. The sky immediately darkens. The rain comes pouring down in sheets. The shining sun is gone now. The mood drops instantly. The picture changes from one of hopefulness to one of despair. The rain ruins the sand. The beach chairs and the ball is abandoned. The picture portrays emptiness. 

Summer is meant to be a time when hopes and dreams are fulfilled. It's supposed to be the months when you have the most fun. 

The inspiration for this post comes from a good friend of mine, who told me to listen to the song titled 'Summertime Sadness.' This post has nothing to do with the song itself. (Disclaimer.) 


  1. You should consider listening to the song. It's written by none other than Lana Del Ray, whose songs are moody in it's own way. This particular song is one of her best works.


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