Sparks Fly - The Story

Every time I hear the song Sparks Fly, a picture paints itself in my mind. I can visualize the things that are happening to the girl in the song. Through this post, I'm going to try to show you that same picture. Try to put yourself in the scene as you read. 

You are a girl in New York. It's nighttime and the street is pretty much deserted. You see him approaching you. He is dressed in black from head to toe. His walk is masculine and lithe. He looks like a lion, stalking his prey. There's no way you can escape him. You have been ensnared in his gaze. Your inner conscience tells you he's probably bad news, but you know you are too far gone. You couldn't escape even if you wanted to. But, do you want to? 

You blink once and as you open your eyes, he's standing right in front of you. There is a loud thunderclap. You want to glance up to see if it's about to rain, but you can't take your eyes off him. He's close enough to touch. You want to lean over and touch him, to make sure he's a real man and not a figment of your imagination. But, could your imagination really create something so perfect? The way he looks into your eyes makes you feel like he can read your mind. He's looking right into your soul curiously. 

The rain starts drizzling and you both look at the sky. The rain gets heavier as your eyes meet again and he grabs your waist. He pulls you close and you can smell the perfume he's wearing. He dips you and kisses you as the rain pours all around. You can't feel anything except his lips against yours. As he lets you go, he smiles at you. When the smile meets his eyes, you feel butterflies in your stomach and his smile is as bright as fireworks in the night sky. You can't help but smile back at him. 

His bright green eyes search yours for any hesitation. He finds none. There's still a part of you that's sane. It's telling you not to let yourself get sucked into this man's trap. He touches you gently and you feel your hair rise up. You have goosebumps all over your body. He traces his fingers languidly up and down your arm. You usually have a good sense of right and wrong. But, when it comes to him, there's no use keeping your guard up. You relish his touch, waiting, all the while, for him to kiss you again. 

You run your fingers through his hair and it is softer than you ever imagined. He doesn't take his eyes off you. He takes your hand and leads you up a staircase. You find yourself going with him willingly. He leans over and whispers in your ear "I'm captivated by you, baby, like a fireworks show." You shiver with pleasure as he kisses you again. This time, fireworks go off in the background as he smiles. It's as if nature itself is a slave to his smile. 


  1. If only exhilarating things like these were to happen in reality🥲


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