Soulmates Aren't Simply Romantic

I don't believe that a soul mate has to be romantic. I believe that a soul mate can be someone who you really connect with. Not just on an external level. I mean someone who you connect with in a way that seems to transcend earthly planes. A platonic soulmate is someone with whom you share a friendship that goes as deep as it can go. 

I believe that platonic soul mates are as important as romantic soul mates. Yes. You can have both. 

It is someone who you immediately connected with. By that, I mean that there wasn't a period where you felt uncomfortable with them. You both understand each other very well. There is no jealousy, no competition. When you met them, you might have regretted not meeting them earlier in life. They are really important to you. (And no, you don't feel anything romantic towards them. Yes. That is possible.) 

You believe that there is no judgment. You feel safe sharing your secrets with them. The friendship is easy and supportive. You both want the best for the other. You are also genuine with each other. By that, I mean that you are your true self around each other. You don't feel the need to put on a mask. 

I think that this is a relationship that everyone needs to have. You can have more than one platonic soulmate. It's pretty simple. It's just someone who you connect with more than others. The best part is that this relationship is easier than a romantic one. Even if you both don't talk for a while or are separated for a while, the relationship is still healthy. You feel good in their presence and they make you feel worthy and loved. 


  1. "You're The Kind Of Friend I Could Not See For Years, Not Really Talk To, And Just... Pick Up Right Where We Left Off." Words to live by...


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