
What is the definition of perfection? Is anyone really perfect? So, this is how the dictionary defines the word perfect 'having all the required or desirable elements, qualities or characteristics; as good as it is possible to be.' I think that everyone has different definitions of perfection. 

Some people think perfection lies in beauty. But, beauty is also subjective. People prefer different things. Other people think perfection lies in intelligence or some other personal characteristics that one might possess. But, you can't change who you are just because someone else wants you to. 

I think perfection is overrated. It isn't possible to please everyone. You shouldn't aim to be perfect in someone else's eyes. You should aim to be perfect in your eyes. You should be able to be who you want to be. You should believe that you are perfect. People who really love you won't try to change you according to their definitions of perfection. They will admire the fact that you are firm in your standards. They'll love you for who you are. They will believe that you are perfect just the way you are. 

An important thing to keep in mind is that you can't be perfect for everyone. You just have to know what your standards are and set them. You can't compromise your beliefs. 


  1. No human being can ever be perfect. To be perfect is to conform to all the ideas of the other person and as we all know, not everyone agrees with the same ideologies as the other person. So it becomes paradoxical when someone is said to be perfect.


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