Last Kiss

The bridge of this song is one of the most heartbreaking things that I have heard. 

So I'll watch your life in pictures like I used to watch you sleep
And I feel you forget me like I used to feel you breathe
And I'll keep up with our old friends just to ask them how you are
I hope it's nice where you are

It tells us about the emotions that one feels after a break-up. Here, the speaker is obviously still in love with her ex-lover. But, unfortunately, she has to watch his life from a distance now. That breaks her heart. Another line in the song says "I never thought we'd have a last kiss." She truly believed that the relationship would last forever. 

I'm sure this is something that everyone can relate to. How can you love someone without seeing a future with them? How can you let someone go without missing them to the point of insanity? Is it possible to skip the heartbreak and just go back to the way you used to be? I certainly don't think so. 

I think that heartbreak is inevitable in any relationship. You can't get around the hurt that you feel. All you can do is console yourself with the thought that the person you loved will have a better life without you. (Even if you still believe that you are perfect for them.) 

I think you should simply cherish the relationship while it lasts. Once it's over, give yourself time to heal. Yes, it will be hard. But, you need to take time for yourself. Don't keep checking on the other person. You can wish them the best, but watching them from a distance will hurt. Seeing them with someone else will hurt. Don't let them hurt you. 



  1. "The best way to love someone is letting them go," words to live by.


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