Kill The One You Love

"You know there's many different ways that you can kill the one you love
The slowest way is never loving them enough"

These lines are really very true. There are many ways that you can kill the one you love - or rather kill love itself. You can make someone lose all belief in love. You can make them lose all hope for their future. You can break their heart. You can send them into depression. You can hamper their relationships in the future. You can make them doubt themselves. You can make them feel like everything is their fault. 

The slowest way is never loving them enough. You don't give them the love that they deserve. You can make them feel inferior. You can even make them feel like they don't deserve your love. But, no one has the right to make another person feel like they don't deserve love. Everyone deserves love. If you can't give them that - for whatever reason - that's on you. You shouldn't make them feel like they are unworthy. That can really hamper things that they aspire to do. Not just relationships, but their dreams as well. They might feel like they are incapable of doing anything. 

If you can't love the other person, you should have the courage to tell them. Instead, if you're just leading them on, it will hurt more when the inevitable happens. No one deserves to be led on - no matter what reasons you tell yourself to justify your actions. If you are determined to kill the one you love, at least be kind in the way you do it. Don't be sadistic with them. They deserve better. 


  1. "I failed you as a lover, not because I wasn't good enough, but because I failed to show you just how much I love you."


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