Is Twilight Toxic

There is a theory that the Twilight story is pretty toxic. Is it thought? There are certain aspects that are. I do agree with it. One of the main aspects is the age difference between Bella and Edward. Bella is 17 and Edward is over a hundred years old. Then there's Jacob's attraction to Bella's newborn daughter, Renesmee. She's a newborn baby and Jacob wants to make her his soulmate. He claims that he doesn't look at her romantically. There are glaring age gaps in the relationships in the story. 

The next one is the codependence. Bella is extremely dependent on Edward. She pretty much dies internally when Edward leaves her. She builds her goals around Edward and she aligns herself with whatever he wants to do. She is ready to give up her whole life for him. 

Then, there's Edward's controlling nature. Yes, he's her boyfriend, but that doesn't mean that she's incapable of making her own decisions. Edward should let Bella think for herself. He thinks that he's all-knowing. He only has her best interests at heart, but you can't overlook the fact that being controlling is a red flag. 

There are also some of the things Edward does. Think about when he sneaks into Bella's room when she's sleeping - before they are together. Anyone can see that it's kind of creepy. He also has stalkerish tendencies. He watches Bella through the minds of her friends, classmates, and teachers. 

I would like to add a disclaimer here. I love Twilight guys. These are just some things I noticed. 


  1. Reminds me of a similar red flag from TVD named Damon Salvatore 👀


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