Home Can Be A Person

What do you think home is supposed to be? Home is supposed to be a place you feel safe in. It should be a place where you can be yourself. You can have more than one home. You can have a home away from home. A house doesn't necessarily need to be a home. A house is just a building that you live in. But, the word 'home' means that there is some emotion attached to the building. 

You can even find a home in a person. They give you the same feeling that a physical home does. They make you feel safe. When home is a person, you feel safe and secure, no matter where in the world you are. You could be miles away from where you grew up, but you feel cared for when you are with your 'home.' 

I think it's one of the most beautiful things to make a person feel at home with you. It shows you how much a person trusts you. When someone calls you their home, it means that you give them peace of mind. You let them be themselves. They don't have to worry about facing judgment from you. They feel like the love they receive from you is totally pure. 

I really believe that home can be another person. As long as that person makes you feel the same emotions that you associate with a physical home. Think about who your 'home' is and make sure you tell them how special they are to you. Make sure they know how much they mean to you. 


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