He Who Must Not Be Named

This post is meant for a person who toughened me up through the last year. (No it's someone I mention often.) 

This guy was there for me when I was at my lowest. I was sobbing my heart out one afternoon. All I did was call him and he rushed over. He sat by me, trying to make me smile, trying to distract me. When I started shivering, he pressed his leg against mine, trying to make it stop. (It didn't.) At the time, I couldn't think clearly enough to be thankful for him. Having him there made all the difference. 

There was another time I needed him equally as much. It was a different situation and a bit more serious. Even though he didn't agree with me completely, he didn't sacrifice me. (By that I mean that he didn't change sides. He continued to stay by my side.) 

He even let me play barbie-doll with him. He sat still as I had the time of my life. (There was an event in college for which I helped him with some makeup.) 

Throughout the year, one of his favourite things to do with me was to tease me. That was the way he greeted me. Yes, at times it did provoke me. But, looking back on it, I just feel like he was doing his best to toughen me up. (It was his love language.) 

Now that I don't see him often, I find myself longing for his playful teasing. 

The point of this post isn't just to thank him, or to reminisce. It's to remind everyone that one person can make a huge effect on you. It's not just about who is always by your side (that doesn't mean you should forget those people.) It's about who showed up when you needed them the most and has continued to be someone you can rely on. You know that they will have your back and you can go to them without hesitation. 


  1. This reminds me of a certain moment in the novel, Home, when the protagonist held his sister tightly while she was shivering to carry over her fears onto himself to hopefully stop her from shaking and not get spotted by their enemies. I was reminded of how beautiful brotherhood is. Very nice article!👏👍


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