Am I Allowed To Cry?

Why do you need to ask for permission to cry? To me, that shows the sorry state of today's world. In this world, people don't have the freedom to feel emotion - not only sadness. The world is so cruel these days. 

Showing emotion is one of the most basic things. It's horrible that people can't show emotion without permission. I mean, why do you need to ask whether you are allowed to feel. It's not only sadness. If a person is happy in public (and showing it), people have to ask why. It's not just that they are curious, they are jealous. They are jealous that they aren't happy. Why can't someone just be genuinely happy for another person? The world is so competitive. No one really wishes the best for you. 

The opposite thing happens when you are upset. People watching are really happy to see that you are upset. That's just plain evil. If someone is upset, one's instinct should be to ask what's wrong and to try to make them feel better. 

There are only a few people in your life who will feel your emotions with you. By that, I mean only a few people will empathize with you. They will stay to watch your highs and lows. They won't leave when things get hard. They will have your back and they will celebrate with you when you succeed. Look for those people. Once you find them, don't lose them, They are the greatest treasure you will ever have. 


  1. Like I always say, the world needs less shitty people. We should start making a difference. Atleast the next generation of people should be less toxic.


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