A Year At MCC

Hold on. How has it been a year already? I feel like I was just walking through the gates for the first time. When I walked out of campus today, it felt different. Next year, I won't be the same person I was. I'll be a senior. 

This year has taught me so much. It taught me not to trust people easily and ironically, it taught me what blind trust is like. MCC gave me tons of new experiences. I know that people believe that life here isn't what it used to be once, but I had a blast. I might not have had 'the whole experience,' but I wouldn't have had it any other way. I had the privilege of making the acquaintance of many diverse people who each taught me something new. They gave me experiences like I had never had before. 

There were a lot of downsides as well, but looking back on it now, I realize that they all were for the best. If I hadn't had falling-outs with people in my first semester, I never would have made friends who valued me. I'm grateful for that now.  

I did things that I never would have dreamed I would do. The inter-college events I participated in taught me how to travel the city (something I hadn't learned over the past 7 years). Those events taught me that it's not about winning. It's about the experience you have. 

There are people that I will definitely miss. I can't believe the year is already over. I look forward to guiding my juniors the same way I was guided. I want to be a source of inspiration to them. 


  1. Props to MCC since some of the most valuable and the worst experiences can be lived through here


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