A Thousand Years

Ohhh... This song takes my breath away. Yes, the lyrics are pretty basic and simple. The tune is simple as well. The part I love about this song is the emotion behind the words. 

For those of you who aren't familiar with the song, it was written by Christina Perri. It was written for the movie 'Breaking Dawn,' which is part of the Twilight saga. The song became a symbol of the love between Edward and Bella. It talks about the fear of falling in love. It also talks about the joy of falling in love, or rather knowing you are loved. 

Every word rings with emotion. Then, there's the James Arthur version. That one brings me to tears. Every time I hear it, my eyes dampen. The singer makes me feel like I'm experiencing the things that the song is talking about. The way that the singer's voice almost cracks makes me feel like my heart is breaking tenfold. Even the way the artist breathes contributes to the emotion of the song. 

There is genuine fear in the voice of the artist. He's so scared to fall in love, but when he sees the object of his affection standing there alone, his doubts and worries fly away. He makes us feel like he really has waited over a century to meet this woman. (Like Edward did in the Twilight Saga.) He swears that he will still love her millennia later. The way he sings makes me feel like there's truth and vulnerability in his words. It makes me feel like every word he's singing is true. 

This is one of the best songs I have heard, again, not because of the lyrics, but because of the emotion conveyed by the artists. 


  1. The people who don't know this song must be living under a rock! (Jk)


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