"Speak Now," said Taylor

Speak Now is one of my favourite Taylor Swift songs. 

"I am not the kind of girl 

Who should be rudely barging in

On a white veil occasion

But you are not the kind of boy

Who should be marrying the wrong girl"

Taylor pictures herself as a girl who has to watch her true love marry the wrong girl - basically a girl who isn't her. She paints this other woman as 'evil' when she says things like "and she is yelling at a bridesmaid, somewhere back inside her room, wearing a gown shaped like a pastry... It seems like I was uninvited by your lovely bride-to-be." 

This song is written for Taylor’s friend, who found herself in the position of having to watch the man she loved marry another woman. Taylor suggested to her friend that they crash the wedding and speak against it. While the women didn’t go through with the stunt, Taylor thought about what she would do in such a situation. She sketched out her game plan in a song.

When Taylor watches the ‘bride’ walk down the aisle, she looks at her friend’s expression and knows that he wishes she was the one walking to him. She pleads for her friend to run away with her. Finally, when the preacher asks if there are any objections, she gathers her courage, stands up, and looks at her friend. She disregards all the staring eyes.

She ends the song talking about how her friend was glad she was around when he had to say his vows. He’s thankful to her for saving him.


  1. Taylor does indeed is a good human for putting herself in her friend's shoes and empathising with how she would've felt. Letting a loved one go for another must surely be an unimaginable pain.


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