Setting up Boundaries

A lot of people today have problems with setting up boundaries. They think that boundaries will make a person drift away or that it will spoil the relationship. In reality, boundaries are what define the relationship. People are afraid to say no and just go with the flow. This leads to internal conflict and might make the person feel unsafe. 

It's okay to set different boundaries with different people, depending on how close you are to them. You can have different boundaries with your close friends than with your loved ones. If people can't accept the boundaries you set, it's best to distance yourself from them. You don't need to explain your motives. All that matters is that you feel emotionally and physically safe. They help build respect and trust. 

People who are needy or co-dependent struggle with setting boundaries. They are scared that they will be left alone because of their boundaries or conditions. They are desperate for love, attention, and affection. They sacrifice their unique identities to achieve this. Boundaries are not a sign of insecurity. They show that you have a good sense of self-respect and dignity.  

You want your boundaries to be respected. Right? Similarly, make sure you respect boundaries that other people set - even if they aren't the same as yours. 


  1. Well said👏 People don't deserve your time if they can't respect your boundaries.


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