Mnemosyne 2024

Mnemosyne is our department’s annual intercollegiate fest, for those of you who don’t know. My journey started when I joined the volunteering committee and went on to volunteer to be a convenor. A while later, our ELF chairperson announced the list of convenors. I was disappointed to see that some other girls from my class were selected but I wasn’t. I was disappointed because I had been putting a lot of effort into events throughout the year. I later found out that my best friend had already announced that he wanted me to volunteer for the event he was convening (spell bee). I forgot my disappointment and was overjoyed to work with him. I soon found out that the girl who was supposed to be the second convenor didn’t want to do it. I was standing quietly next to some of my seniors as they were deciding who the other person should be. One of them looked at me and asked “Do you want to do it?” I nodded enthusiastically, hiding my joy.

My friend and I put a lot of effort into preparing for our event. We found out that there wasn’t going to be a judge and that it was on us to handle things. The pressure was on! The day of the event arrived and I felt unprepared. I was nervous and wasn’t sure if I would be able to pull it off. My friend assured me that I could do it.

There were only a few participants on the first day of our event. I was thankful for that. It helped me get the hang of things and it showed me what to expect the next day. On the second day, there was a lot of confusion. My friend and I set up base at the registration desk, determined to take care of our event ourselves, not wanting to leave anything to the last minute. Even though there were people on the registration committee, we sat there to handle our event’s registration. There was also a conflict with the timing and the venue of our event. We tried our best to remain calm throughout. We had double the participants the next day – not many though. We weren’t able to execute the event as we had planned earlier but we made the best of what we had. My friend and I breathed a huge sigh of relief when the event ended. I collapsed and lay flat on the floor, laughing. I think the event was a success, irrespective of the number of participants and all the other conflicts we faced. 

The experience taught me what happens behind the scenes of all the events I've attended throughout the year. 

Signing off for now,

Lekhaa MeenakshiSundaram

One of the convenors for 'Spellbook Sagas', Mnemosyne '24


  1. Who's that handsome young man I see in the picture?🤔 Sure seems like a gentleman. And oh! Congratulations to us for conducting that event. We had so much fun together. I'm glad you and I were the ones to convene and judge the participants for this event. And for a fresher to do this much work... I'm proud of you.😊


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