Does Elena Play the Victim Card Too Much?

Elena Gilbert is the female lead in the CW’s ‘The Vampire Diaries.’ She is introduced to us with her tragic past. She just lost her parents in a car accident that she was in but somehow survived. Elena went on to learn that she was adopted. She met her birth parents and lost them soon. She also lost her guardian and friend. She lost her brother, which led to her turning off her humanity (which vampires can do.) She also lost her best friend followed by her soul mate.

Elena went through so much and was undoubtedly a victim. However, the other characters on the show have faced equal grief. Yet, Elena is the one who’s always crying or holding in her tears. People are always taking care of her and making sure that she doesn’t break. Her friends have died and come back to life. They have lost as many people as Elena has, friends, siblings, and parents.

 In my opinion, people should stop giving her so much attention. She has faced a lot, but she should be able to face it like an adult. I feel like she seeks attention too much every time she talks about her dead loved ones.

If you take away her grief, there’s not a lot of her character left. I think that’s why the showwriters kept coming back to that.


  1. That was quite 'on the nose'. I didn't expect to see a critical perspective that persuades people to see through the recurring misfortunes in a character because of the repetitive writing style. Good on you💯


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